The Tour

The area in and around Toronto’s Kensington Market has been home to waves of immigrants from all over the world and is regarded by many Torontonians as the ancestral home of today’s Jewish community. We’ll walk back in time to the days of pushcarts and live poultry, synagogues and sweatshops, when Yiddish was in flower in the heart of Toronto.

You don’t have to be Jewish to be fascinated, charmed, and intrigued by the past and present of Toronto’s most diverse neighbourhood.

On the tour, you’ll:

  • See functioning synagogues and synagogue buildings that have been repurposed.

  • Hear tales of Yiddish theatres with Saturday matinees and bookie joints that shut down on the Sabbath.

  • Learn the official history of the three-goal hat trick. And then learn the real history.

  • Explore some of the history of the labour movement and see the sites of iconic delicatessens.